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Tennessee Online Concealed Carry Permit Course

Get your concealed carry permit online

TN Online Concealed Carry Course Available NOW!
 Just click below!  Only $14.99!

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Anyone 18+ can take this course!

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Tennessee Online Concealed Carry Permit

Congratulations, you’re about to get your online gun permit training! If you want to legally carry a firearm almost anywhere in the U.S., our Department of Safety-approved online video course for your handgun permit is watchable on any device, anywhere.


We value education and the ability for EVERYONE to have the ability to carry a firearm for their personal defense.  We want as many people as possible to have access to our education regardless of your busy lifestyle or obligations.


But do you need a permit to carry in Tennessee?  Nope -- BUT it's required for Tennessee residents to have a permit if they wish to carry OUTSIDE of Tennessee (That's called reciprocity).  Plus when you complete this online course and apply at a DMV, you receive PROOF of education and photo ID that also shows you successfully completed a background check.  


No appointment time or you needing to schedule your life around someone else’s; you can take the 90-minute course anytime, anywhere, totally according to your schedule! 


This online concealed carry permit course is designed around busy people--people like you.


How Does Getting My Concealed Carry Permit Work?

Super easy. You can get your concealed carry handgun permit in 3 easy steps! Watch our video course from your mobile device, tablet, or computer anytime. This course can be completed at your own pace!


STEP 1. Complete our online course to obtain your certificate (click below to sign up at our introductory rate).


STEP 2. Take your certificate and valid ID to any local DMV to finish the application and pay permit fees.


STEP 3. Wait for your permit via mail. That’s it! And while your permit is in the mail, join us on Facebook and hang out with the community if you’re feeling sociable. We have some really awesome students there!


If any of this feels overwhelming and you’re not sure whether to take our course or someone else’s, two things:


  1. We have been featured in the news (several times) as subject matter experts, and 

  2. Our course has a 5 out of 5-star average rating out of literally thousands of students. 

    A lot of other people looking for their carry permit came here, paid less than they would have somewhere else, gave the course a rave review, and then hung out with us on Facebook. Sounds pretty good, right? It is. 

Click these videos for      Previews of our Content!

Target shooting
Waypoint Defensive


— Lauren A.- Franklin, TN

“The online course was easy-to-follow

and very informative! I highly recommend them for anyone looking for an online course for TN carry permit. I will definitely consider more courses from them in the future.

We look forward to you joining us here at Waypoint Defensive. Feel free to contact us with any questions. We are here to support you throughout the online concealed carry permit course, and look forward to helping you obtain your Tennessee Concealed Carry gun permit!  If you have any questions regarding Tennessee firearm laws, firearm permits, or reciprocity please feel free to email our team!

All course payments to Waypoint Defensive are non-refundable.

©Waypoint Defensive, LLC 

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