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Gun Carry Permit

Take Your Gun Carry Permit Course in Three Easy Steps

Our goal at Waypoint Defensive is to provide a professional and personalized firearm curriculum for first time firearm users and those seeking to acquire carry permits online! Through our course, you can acquire a Tennessee handgun carry permit, enabling you to legally carry a firearm in TN. 

The Tennessee Department of Safety has approved our online course, and it's taught by experienced, Tennessee-certified instructors. At only $24.99, it's not only extremely cost-effective, but also a better value than the competition. Our course takes about 1/4 the time of the typical in-person class, but retains all the information you need. 

We keep things nice and simple, and your gun carry permit course can be completed in three easy steps: 


  1. Complete our online course to obtain your certificate (click "take the course" below).

  2. Take the certificate you receive and print upon completing the course and valid ID to any local DMV to finish your application.

  3. Wait for your permit via mail. It's that straight-forward!


You can take your Online Handgun Carry Permit course on your PC, Mac, or mobile device at any time - all you need is a browser. For convenience, ease, and overall value in obtaining your Tennessee handgun carry permit, you can’t beat Waypoint Defensive. 


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