Online Concealed Carry Permit Course
What Does An Online Concealed Carry Permit Course Cover?
Tennessee allows you to obtain your concealed carry permit through an online course, and when you go through us at Waypoint Defensive, everything is easy and efficient. Through our website, you can complete your course for $24.99, in about 2 hours.
This course covers the full spectrum of essential firearm safety and law, so you get just as much material and useful education as you would in a longer in-person course. Material presented in the online concealed carry permit course includes:
Firearms Safety Rules
Handgun Features and Vocabulary
Handgun Uses and Techniques
Handgun Knowledge and Skills for Safe Handling
Safe Storage of Firearms and Ammunition
Safe Transportation and Safe Storage Methods In Vehicles
Safe Handgun Cleaning Instruction
Current Tennessee Law on Carrying Handguns
A Q&A and Additional Tips
Upon successful completion of the Online Handgun Carry Permit course and online quiz at the end of each section, you simply print your official Waypoint Defensive course completion certificate and take it to your nearest DMV along with proof of residency and photo identification for your next steps. Then just wait for the mail to arrive, and you’ll have your Tennessee gun permit before you know it.
We look forward to you joining us here at Waypoint Defensive. Feel free to contact us with any questions. We are here to support you throughout the online concealed carry permit course, and look forward to helping you obtain your Tennessee gun permit!