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Handgun Safety Course *LIVE*

Some people don't need or want a permit - but still would like access to our premiere video education.  We have taken the same educational videos presented in our permit course and made them more accessible by presenting the course LIVE to the public!   This course is re-designed simply for those who want the basics of firearm use and safety while also wanting to meet the Waypoint Defensive instructors.


Some students enjoy the personal experience and ability to ask real-time questions.


Better yet -- successful attendance of our live course also counts towards the required PERMIT education.  So need a permit?  Simply attend our LIVE class for a completion certificate.


Our Handgun Safety Course covers all the basic information you need to understand the HOW and WHY of carrying a pistol!  Nothing overly complicated - just easy explanations of topic everyone should know.  Our goal is to deliver a course that helps YOU become more comfortable with your firearm while in the privacy of your own home. 


We have made the presentation practical, convenient, and most of all -- affordable.  The videos are designed to be viewed best on a cell phone or wireless connection.


The topics we cover include:  


Firearms Safety Rules

Handgun Features and Vocabulary

Handgun Uses and Techniques

Handgun Knowledge and Skills for Safe Handling

Safe Storage of Firearms and Ammunition

Safe Transportation and Safe Storage Methods In Vehicles

Safe Handgun Cleaning Instruction


Pistol Knowledge and Safe Gun Handling

This course specifically introduces the new firearm owner to the basics of firearm education.  

Ammunition Knowledge and the Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

What is ammo?  What's a bullet?  Surprisingly a lot of people get these terms confused.  If you're unsure of the ammunition you need, this course is for you!

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